Gujarat Sahitya Academy Bestows 'Wali' Gujarati Ghazal Award Upon Amar Palanpuri
Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghvi Presents Prestigious Literary Honor at Ceremony
In a vibrant ceremony held at the Adarsh Hall of Athvalines, the Gujarat Sahitya Academy bestowed the esteemed 'Wali' Gujarati Ghazal Award upon the renowned poet and ghazal writer, Amar Palanpuri, in commemoration of Gujarat's first Urdu poet, 'Wali' Gujarati. Minister of State for Home, Harsh Sanghvi, had the honor of presenting this prestigious literary accolade.
Expressing admiration for Palanpuri's significant contributions to poetry, ghazal, and literature, Minister Harsh Sanghvi lauded the poet's invaluable role in enriching Gujarati literary heritage. He commended the Gujarat Sahitya Academy's endeavors in nurturing literary talent and preserving the cultural legacy of Gujarat through diverse programs. Emphasizing the pivotal role of language and culture in societal advancement, the Minister encouraged individuals to maintain their connection with literature.
Furthermore, Minister Harsh Sanghvi disclosed plans to establish public libraries across the city's thoroughfares, aiming to foster a deeper engagement with books and reading among the populace. He urged the younger generation to cultivate a passion for literature and actively champion their language and culture.
Notably, recipients of the Wali Award for Ghazal are honored with a substantial prize of Rs 1 lakh by the Wali Gujarati Award committee. Present at the ceremony were distinguished figures including Academy President Bhagyesh Jha, Dr. Mahamatra of the Gujarat Sahitya Academy, Dr. Jayendra Singh Jadav, Chancellor of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Dr. Kishore Singh Chavda, and the esteemed poet, writer, and psychiatrist Dr. Mukul Choksi, alongside other luminaries from the literary world.