Smart Classes Launched in Surat's Lajpore Jail

Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya Introduces Education for Prisoners at Rs 18 Lakh

Smart Classes Launched in Surat's Lajpore Jail

In a pioneering move, smart classes have been inaugurated at the newly constructed Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya within Surat's high-tech Lajpore Jail. Funded at a cost of Rs 18 lakh, this initiative marks the first time that education is being provided to prisoners through audio-visual means in a jail setting. The primary objective of this project is to empower prisoners with education and equip them with skills for a better life after their release.

Illuminating Lives with Education:

This smart class project aims to light the lamp of education in the lives of many prisoners. By providing opportunities to complete their incomplete education and learn various skills, the project will help inmates secure employment and reintegrate as productive members of society upon their release.

Government's Commitment to Human Rights:

Home Minister Harsh Sanghvi emphasized that the state government prioritizes the protection of prisoners' human rights. He stated that prisoners are treated well in jails, with continuous efforts to change their mindset. Various schemes are being implemented to aid their reintegration into society post-incarceration.

Minister's Call to Action:

The Minister of State for Home urged prisoners to take advantage of this educational opportunity, learn from their mistakes, and strive for a better life upon release. The government is dedicated to maintaining a balanced environment in prisons and society.

Innovative Efforts for Prisoners' Well-being:

Unique efforts are being undertaken for the mental health and well-being of prisoners in Surat jails. Activities such as music, art, and skill development are being introduced to change their mindset and help them return to society as positive citizens. The goal of these initiatives is to transform prisoners into productive members of the community.

Tags: Surat