2 killed after being hit by train while snapping pictures in Nashik

2 killed after being hit by train while snapping pictures in Nashik

Mumbai, 9 June (HS): Two teens were knocked over by a train while snapping photos and recording reels for social media on a railway track in Maharashtra's Nashik district, a Government Railway Police (GRP) officer said on Sunday. According to officials, the incident occurred on a railway track near the Valdevi River Bridge.

According to him, the victims, Sanket Kailas Rathod and Sachin Dilip Karwar, were filming reels and taking pictures on the track when they were hit by the train. The youngsters perished on the spot, according to the official, who said that once the railway police were notified of the event, they hurried to the scene. The two were students from Bhatia College in Deolali Camp who had recently completed their Class 11 exams, according to the official.