Maharashtra: SDRF boat capsizes, 3 soldiers drown

Maharashtra: SDRF boat capsizes, 3 soldiers drown

Mumbai, 23 May (HS): The boat of the SDRF team capsized in the Pravara river near Sugaon village of Akole tehsil in Ahmednagar district on Thursday morning. Due to which three SDRF soldiers died due to drowning. A soldier and a local civilian on board the boat are missing. Divers are searching for both.

SDRF officer Shailesh Kumar Hinge said on Thursday that two people had drowned in the Pravara river near Sugaon village on Wednesday evening. The body of one of these two was recovered by Wednesday night whereas since this morning the SDRF team was searching for the second person.

Four soldiers of the SDRF team and a local citizen were aboard the boat. Five people drowned when the boat suddenly capsized. The bodies of three of these soldiers have been recovered from the river. The search for a soldier and a local man and the person who drowned on Wednesday is going on.