Rajkot : Parshottam Rupala to File Nomination Amidst Controversy

Election Preparations Continue Despite Opposition from Kshatriya Community

Rajkot : Parshottam Rupala to File Nomination Amidst Controversy

Rajkot, 8 April - Union Minister Parshottam Rupala is gearing up for his election campaign amidst controversy with the Kshatriya community. He is scheduled to file his nomination on April 16 at Rajkot Bahumaali, preceded by a large public meeting.

BJP corporator in Rajkot, Ketan Patel, announced that a public meeting will take place at 10:30 am on April 16 at Bahumali Bhawan Chowk in Rajkot. The meeting, named Vijay Vishwas Sammelan, will be organized by the BJP. Following the meeting, thousands of workers will accompany Union Minister Parshottam Rupala in a rally to file his nomination.

Meanwhile, the National President of Karni Sena, Mahipal Singh Makrana, stated that the protest against Rupala will continue. Sher Singh Rana, Kshatriya leader and national convenor of the nationalist Janlok Party, demanded that the BJP withdraw Rupala's ticket. He expressed this sentiment at Rajput Bhawan in Ahmedabad.

Tags: Rajkot

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