Ahmedabad: AMTS and BRTS Bus Fares to Increase, Effective July 1

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation announces price hike for public transportation, including AC buses and electric fleet plans

Ahmedabad: AMTS and BRTS Bus Fares to Increase, Effective July 1

Ahmedabad, June 23, 2023 – The residents of Ahmedabad are set to face another blow as the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) recently announced an increase in bus fares for both the Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Service (AMTS) and Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS). The decision, taken after eight years of deliberation, was finalized during a meeting between AMC officials and the commissioner on Thursday.

Under the new fare structure, the minimum fare for a 3-kilometer AMTS journey will be raised to Rs 5, while the maximum fare will be set at Rs 30. Additionally, the BRTS fares will also be subject to an increase. The move aims to align the fares of both transport systems and address the long-standing issue.

Effective from July 1, the revised fare structure includes several changes. The AMTS Preferred Pass, previously priced at Rs 35, will now cost Rs 45, while the student pass will see an increase from Rs 300 to Rs 400 per month. Similarly, the girls' pass has been raised to Rs 350 per month from the previous Rs 300. The one-month Preferred Pass has been hiked to Rs 1,000 from Rs 750, and the quarterly pass will now be available at Rs 2,500, up from Rs 2,000.

In addition to the fare revisions, the AMC has announced plans to introduce 100 air-conditioned buses in the next 15 days. Moreover, within the same timeframe, tenders for new BRTS buses will be issued. As part of its commitment to sustainable transport, the AMC plans to procure 300 electric buses out of the 325 new buses in the pipeline.

While the fare hike aims to address financial considerations and maintain the quality of public transport services, it is likely to have an impact on the city's residents who rely on these modes of transportation. The increase will be effective from July 1, with the hopes of improving the overall transport system and meeting the growing demands of the city's commuters.

Tags: Ahmedabad