Renewed Hope: Vital Organ Donation at Kiran Hospital Surat Facilitated by Donate Life

Generous organ donation marks another milestone for Donate Life, bringing new life to organ failure patients across the country and globally

Renewed Hope: Vital Organ Donation at Kiran Hospital Surat Facilitated by Donate Life


A life-affirming organ donation operation was conducted today at Kiran Hospital Surat, facilitated by the organ donation organization, Donate Life. The donation included a heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and corneas, further solidifying the vital role of organ donation in healthcare.

This latest donation brings the total tally of Donate Life's organ and tissue contributions to an impressive 1,130, which includes 468 kidneys, 201 livers, 46 hearts, 36 lungs, 8 pancreases, 1 intestine, 4 hands, and 366 corneas. These generous donations have brought renewed hope and life to 1,037 organ failure patients across India and around the world.

The family of the late Zaver Kakadbhai Kunwar, who was only 29 years old, is to be commended for their courageous decision to donate his vital organs after he was declared brain-dead by doctors.

The heart will be transplanted at U.N. Mehta Hospital in Ahmedabad, while the lungs will find a new home at K.D. Hospital in the same city. Both liver and kidney transplantations will be conducted at Kiran Hospital Surat, which will also receive the donated corneas.

Donate Life extends heartfelt gratitude to the doctors and management at Kiran Hospital Surat for their unwavering support for this noble cause. Special acknowledgement was also given to the Surat City Police for providing their 97th Green Corridor, ensuring a swift and smooth transportation process for the donated organs.

The organ donation organization also expressed thanks to NOTTO, SOTTO Gujarat, Kiran Hospital Surat, U.N. Mehta & K.D. Hospital Ahmedabad, various hospitals in Surat, Surat City Police, Surat Municipal Corporation, Surat Collector, Surat Airport Authority, CISF, Euro Foods, print and electronic media, and the volunteers of Donate Life. All these entities played essential roles in this life-saving mission.

"We're committed to our mission of saving lives through organ donation, and we're profoundly grateful for all the support we've received," said Nilesh Mandlewala, Founder and President of Donate Life.

Donate Life continues to promote its essential message: "Donate Organs... Save Lives...!"