Gujarat High Court Rules Firing Without Notice Violates Natural Justice
Landmark Decision Reinstates Forest Employees and Affirms Rights
Ahmedabad, May 17 (HS): In a significant ruling, the Gujarat High Court has affirmed that terminating an employee without advance notice violates the principle of natural justice. This decision came from Judge Hemant Prachchak during a hearing involving the PWD and Forest Employees Union and others.
The case centered on the wrongful termination of Forest Department employees. Judge Prachchak ruled that such actions breach fundamental fairness, ordering the reinstatement of several petitioners with full job benefits and service honors. For other employees, the court allowed them to present their demands to the management, directing the management to decide within six weeks, considering the Supreme Court's relevant decisions and the government's 1988 resolution.
According to reports, the Forest and Environment Department had illegally terminated many employees, denying them benefits guaranteed by the 1988 government proposal. Despite serving as daily wage employees for over seven years, these workers received less than the minimum wage and were deprived of retirement benefits.
The affected employees turned to the High Court after being ignored by competent authorities, who disregarded the government's resolution to provide full benefits. With this ruling, the employees have finally achieved justice, ensuring their rights and entitlements are respected.