CM Patel Ensures Safe Passage for Gujarati Pilgrims

Efforts of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel Aid Stranded Travelers

CM Patel Ensures Safe Passage for Gujarati Pilgrims

Gandhinagar - Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel's efforts have successfully facilitated the safe passage of Gujarati pilgrims who were stranded in Gangotri-Yamunotri. The state government acted swiftly after learning that Gujarati travelers were caught in heavy traffic at the start of the Chardham Yatra.

Upon receiving this information, CM Patel instructed Acting Chief Secretary Sunaina Tomar to manage the situation. Following the Chief Minister's directives, Tomar coordinated with the Uttarakhand State Government to ensure the necessary arrangements for the pilgrims' onward journey. The State Emergency Operation Center (SEOC) also played a crucial role in the coordination efforts.

Thanks to the immediate actions taken by the Gujarat government, in collaboration with the Uttarakhand authorities, the stranded Gujarati pilgrims have now resumed their journey. The intervention ensured that the pilgrims received the necessary facilities and support to continue their pilgrimage smoothly.